Thursday, March 24, 2011

Three for Thursday

  1. After being married for six months, I got finally went to get a driver's license in my married name.  I had been dreading going because it seemed like a long drive, even though it is the commute I used to make everyday.  I decided today was the day.  I drove all the way there to find a deserted building with two orange cones blocking the driveway.  Apparently, when we moved, so did the DMV.  Unfortunately I had no idea where they moved to.  I was able to look up the address on my phone but since it was a new building the GPS could not find it.  After an additional hour of driving around in the general area it should be, I finally arrived at the DMV, only to find out that the average wait time was 43 minutes.  I walked out 35 mins later with a new drivers license with an ok picture.  Now I just have to update my credit cards.     
  2. A likes to make up creative walks.   Every time he does one it makes me laugh.  I am laughing now just thinking about it.  He will add hopes, twirls, and arm flourishes.  I can't really explain it.  You would have to see it for yourself.  
  3. Yesterday I was hit with the realization that I have a very poor recipe base.  I was at the grocery store and I was trying to decide what to make for dinner.  All that came to mind was meatloaf.  I walked through the meat department to see if that would inspire me, in fact I walked through it three times, and all I came up with was meatloaf.  I am saddened by the fact that I know very few recipes by heart.  Does it mean I don't cook enough?  Didn't our mother's know how to make meals without a cookbook?  Why can't I think of anything to make for dinner!?!  


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Happy Return

Last night I waited anxiously for A to call with the "we're twenty minutes away" phone call that would have me jumping in the car to go meet him.  The plan was that I would meet him and W where I dropped him off and then A and I would go out for dinner.  However, that was not the way the night unfolded.  Instead, I got ready and waited for his call.

I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And as I started to get impatient, the door buzzer rang.  Immediately, I began to search my brain for who it could be.  Was my mom planning on stopping by?  Did my BFF decided to make a quick visit?  Was it someone from the building?  

But it was A's voice on the other end and I walked out the door to see A, standing in the cold surrounded by all his luggage with a huge grin on his face.  It might have been the best thing I have ever seen!

I couldn't wait to get down the stairs to open the door.  I can't explain how amazing it was to hear his voice and see his face.  So instead of going out for dinner, we had chinese food from our favorite place and A showed me all the great stuff he brought back.  And as much as I loved the gifts and the stories, I was just happy to have him there with me.  His presence filled our home and made everything as it should be.    

All this time a part made me grateful for all the time we are together.  I have an even greater respect for those that spend time away from their families to serve our country.  And I am grateful that my husband does not travel all that often. So as our life resumes it's normal routine, I hope to remain a little more aware of A's wonderful presence in my life.