Monday, April 25, 2011

Project 52 ~ 2 Month Update

It has been a two months since I made my list of 52 things to do this year.  I figured it would help hold me accountable if I shared both my successes and failures works is progress.  As you can see, some have been going much better than others.

  • Attend trainings for work (MACC Conference; Intro. to Leading Others, Intro. to Fiscal Management)
  • Try one new recipe a month (I even bought a new cookbook to make this even easier)
  • Be a better friend to my girls - more calls, e-mails, etc. 
  • Create an emergency fund so we don't need to rely on our credit cards (We have not only created an emergency fund, but have had to use it)
  • Read one classic novel (Read Jane Eyre)
  • Learn how to separate work and home 
  • Start "The Great Escape" with my college girlfriends instead of just talking about it (Trip is planned for August)
  • Get new glasses (Sooner than I planned due to necessity of eye allergy, see earlier post
  • Use my crock pot once a month

Work In Progress...
  • Pay off the Malibu 
  • Pay off our credit card debit
  • Go camping at least 4 times (We haven't gone yet, but we have two trips set up)
  • Visit 5 new restaurants (We tried out JC Bogars and loved it.  Only 4 more to go!)
  • Make and follow a budget (We made a budget, but we are still getting used to following one
  • Take a daily multivitamin (Most days I am pretty good, but still working on it)
  • Read 12 new books (Read 2 so far, 10 to go)
  • Do a walk/run for charity (Set up a Relay for Life team and the event is in June)
  • Start a One Line a Day journal (Started, just haven't been keeping up with it)
  • Have a date night once a month (Haven't been very intentional about this one, even though we have done some things just the two of us)
  • Make the bed every morning (Started out strong but the last two weeks have been an "Epic Failure")

Left To Complete 
  • Work on scrapbooks once a month
  • Read a book on management
  • Get my passport
  • Grow an herb garden
  • Drink 8 glasses of water a day
  • Learn to juggle
  • Take a Segway tour
  • Host Brunch
  • Travel somewhere I have never been before
  • Work out three times a week
  • Write one Thank-You a month
  • Purge our place of useless clutter
  • Start doing yoga again 
  • Go to a drive-in movie theater with A
  • Buy a new piece of furniture 
  • Go fishing with A at least once 
  • Stop being so critical of myself and others
  • Make bread from scratch 
  • Make our faith a greater priority
  • Make homemade granola
  • Eat healthier - more fruits and veggies and less processed food
  • Eat dinner at the table with the TV off most days of the week
  • Watch less TV
  • Pray Daily
  • Learn to knit
  • Get pregnant
  • See a live performance (play, musical, concert)
  • Go golfing with A at least once 
  • Complete 5 random acts of kindness
  • Laugh Daily
  • Have more patience 
  • Donate $5 for any item not completed

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The G.O.S.P.E.L.

I thought this was too powerful not to share.  Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Three for Thursday

1.  My eyes are allergic to something.  The eye doctor was not sure what, but explained that my contacts have been trapping the allergens and causing issues with my eyes.  She asked if I had insurance and then she prescribed me some eye drops with the disclaimer that "without insurance they are a little expensive".  Um...they were a little expensive with insurance!  We paid $80 for a bottle of eye drops that is smaller than a thimble.  All I have to say is that these drops better work some miracles!

2.  Wednesday I started my day by dropping my travel coffee mug on the floor when I opened the door to the garage.  Don't worry, it didn't spill a little bit.  No, the lid popped right off and emptied its entire contents onto the floor in a flood of hot brown liquid.  I stood there in my rain boots in a pool of coffee thinking "now what".

3.  Not only did Wednesday start off in a less then positive way, but it got worse before it got better.  There is an elderly lady that works for me that is just a fabulous lady.  She is positive and kind and all the kids and staff love her.  On Tuesday, she took a fall going from the garage to her house and has been unconscious ever since.  She had a lot of bleeding in her brain and the doctors are not very optimistic.  So I am ending this post with the hope that everyone will keep her and her family in their prayers.  

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Great Expectations?

I am having one of those weeks in which I feel I'm falling short of everyone's expectations.  There is a laundry list of items I need to improve on:
  • be a better homemaker
  • practice my faith A LOT more 
  • go to the gym
  • watch less TV
  • don't take it out on A when I am crabby 
  • put passion back into my work
  • send out the last of my thank you cards
...and the list goes on.  

As it turns out, the only expectations that I can't live up to are my own.  Upon further reflection, I realize that is because, at the moment, they are ridiculously high.  I am not sure anyone could live up to my expectations.  

Maybe what I need to learn is that my greatest expectation should be for me to become comfortable with my true self.  It is hard to accept our shortcomings and focus on what our primary purpose truly is.  Maybe I am not ment to keep the perfect house because I am supposed to spend more time with those I love.  Maybe my "lived in" apartment is just a perfect reflection of my personality.  Somewhat of a mess at times, comfortable and organized in its own way.  

I need to realize that I have different strengths to balance me out my weaknesses.  I tend to focus more on what I should be rather than what I am.  There is a balance that needs to be struck between improving one's self and changing oneself into someone they are not.  In the grand scheme of things, what difference does it make if I don't fold up my blanket before I go to bed?  

Maybe my priorities are out of whack.  I find myself being overly concerned with saving money to  improve our lives, wondering if I am trendy enough, wishing we could travel more, and what people think of me.  I dwell on wither or not I said something stupid, or if I acted too eager for someone's friendship, or if I am perceived as annoying at times.  Maybe I should be focusing on being the kindest, most genuine person I can be.  Maybe I should be focusing on serving others and following in the footsteps of those who have led by example.  

I guess the greatest expectation is to come to terms with the person we are and "be the best version of yourself".  Now I just have to figure out how to get there.