It continues to amaze me that God's timing is always perfect. We have wanted a baby for awhile now and at times have felt frustrated, but the joy this baby brings couldn't come at a more needed time. With everything going on with Andy's mom, it has helped us keep the faith and remember that though life hands us difficult situations, it also gives us gifts that are awe inspiring.
The pregnancy has been quit a journey so far. I ended up in the emergency room at 6 weeks with a cyst on my ovary. Turns out it is common for women to experience that but it didn't make it any less scary. Andy happened to be out of town, getting the "cabin" ready for deer hunting when this happened, so I had to call my mom. Though it was not how I had thought we would tell her about being a Grandma again, it was just how it turned out. The positive part of having a cyst was that I had to have an ultra sound to make sure everything with the pregnancy was fine. Even though it was early, I was able to see the baby and it's heart beat! I can't describe how incrediable that experience was!
The last six weeks have consisted of being tired and nauseous pretty much All. The. Time. There does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel though. I am finally starting to feel better and even have a little more of an appetite. Hopefully, this means the end of my so called morning sickness.
We have also enjoyed telling our friends and family. We told my nephews and niece at our annual Christmas cookie baking. They had some interesting name suggestions for us! Then our Christmas card had this photo:
And it has been great getting calls, emails, and texts the last few days from people expressing their congrats for us. This past week, I told my students that I was pregnant. They were SO excited and word quickly spread through the school after that! They talk to me about the baby all the time, asking if it will be a boy or a girl, what we will name it, and just that they are excited.
Needless to say, we are feeling extra blessed this Christmas. Not only do we have the baby on the way, but Andy's mom has been doing so much better then expected. The Dr.'s had said it would be a miracle if she made it to Christmas and we were given that miracle! A huge thank you for all your support and prayers.
We are wishing you a Very Merry Christmas from all three of us! May your Christmas Season be as blessed as ours.