We just finished our first quarter of the school year and it is crazy to think it is November (which means I didn't post at all in October, yikes!). This weekend I will be curled up working on report cards. Luckily Andy is getting the "cabin" ready for hunting so I won't feel guilty about working at home. Our apartment is in dire need of a good cleaning due to the cold that has taken over my life this week. Hopefully I will find a little time to clean this weekend as well.
Two weeks ago, we did our final camping trip of the season with my mom and Dave. It was COLD! Not only that, but the park had already turned off the water for the year, so we had pit toilets and hand water pumps. Even with that it was a beautiful weekend. We were able to enjoy the sound of the waves on the shore of Lake Michigan. The air was crisp but the sun felt warm. In the evenings we were blessed with visitors, Andy's Dad and Step-mom stopped by and so did my sister and her family. It was calming and relaxing, which is what we needed after the weeks we had just had.
The weekend before that, we also went to the Packer Game. It was so warm that I sat in the stands in just a t-shirt. This was a big difference from the games we have attended before, which were always in January.
Of course, life also has its challenges. Andy's mom had been battling MDS or myelodysplastic syndromes (the same disease Robin Roberts had). A few weeks later, it progressed into Leukemia She stayed in the hospital for a few weeks to undergo intense chemotherapy. We spent many nights visiting her, which brought back a lot of memories of visiting my dad there. She is currently resting at home and now we play the waiting game. The chemo destroyed her white blood cells and now she has to wait for them to come back. She is pretty defenseless against disease so I haven't been able to visit her at all (that same cold I have been fighting has kept me away). Andy has gone a few times, and so has his sister, but have had to wear a mask. Yesterday her white blood cells had finally increased by 1%! A small victory, but definitely exciting to see any improvement! We continue to pray for her recovery and thank everyone for their support and prayers over the last couple months.
So, I figured this month I would do 30 days of being thankful to help us focus on huge blessings we have. I will post for the week though instead of posting everyday. Hopefully that will help get me back on track :)