Saturday, February 19, 2011

Project 52

I have an obsession with making lists.  I make lists for everything.  To-Do lists, Bill Paying lists, Shopping lists, Gift lists, lists of lists.... it goes on.  I am even guilty of adding things to my lists just so I can cross it off.  I believe this is an inherited trait that comes from my mother as she is also an avid list maker.

So, it should come as no surprise that I love the idea of Project 52.  If you are not familiar with this concept,  it is courtesy of A Peek at Karen's World.  Here is how she explains it.
There are 52 weeks in a year. We are challenging you to do something with those 52 weeks. Something you might not have done otherwise. It can be one big goal or 100 little ones.

And here is my list of the 52 things I am going to do this year (or at least try to)

  1. Work on scrapbooks once a month
  2. Read a book on management
  3. Attend trainings for work
  4. Pay off the Malibu
  5. Pay off our credit card debit
  6. Get my passport
  7. Try one new recipe a month
  8. Go camping at least 4 times 
  9. Be a better friend to my girls - more calls, e-mails, etc.
  10. Visit 5 new restaurants
  11. Make and follow a budget
  12. Use my crock pot once a month
  13. Create an emergency fund so we don't need to rely on our credit cards
  14. Grow an herb garden
  15. Have a date night once a month
  16. Take a daily multivitamin
  17. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
  18. Learn to juggle
  19. Take a Segway tour
  20. Read one classic novel
  21. Host Brunch
  22. Travel somewhere I have never been before
  23. Work out three times a week
  24. Learn how to separate work and home
  25. Write one Thank-You a month
  26. Purge our place of useless clutter
  27. Start doing yoga again 
  28. Go to a drive-in movie theater with A
  29. Start "The Great Escape" with my college girlfriends instead of just talking about it
  30. Read 12 new books
  31. Buy a new piece of furniture 
  32. Go fishing with A at least once 
  33. Stop being so critical of myself and others
  34. Get new glasses
  35. Make bread from scratch 
  36. Make our faith a greater priority
  37. Do a walk/run for charity
  38. Start a One Line a Day journal
  39. Make homemade granola
  40. Eat healthier - more fruits and veggies and less processed food
  41. Eat dinner at the table with the TV off most days of the week
  42. Watch less TV
  43. Pray Daily
  44. Learn to knit
  45. Get pregnant 
  46. Make the bed every morning
  47. See a live performance (play, musical, concert)
  48. Go golfing with A at least once 
  49. Complete 5 random acts of kindness
  50. Laugh Daily
  51. Have more patience 
  52. Donate $5 for any item not completed

I can't wait to start crossing things off!

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