Monday, January 17, 2011

A Week Apart

This week I am away from A for a whole week while I attend a leadership course and camping conference.  It is one of those times where I have mixed emotions. 

On one hand, I am super excited to be here.  It allows me to connect with others in my position and find the support and advice that A cannot give me due to the uniqueness of my job.  What I do, the stress I feel, and problems I face at work are something that only another person in my position can truly relate too.  I am remembering that I am not the only person who struggles with the challenges ahead and that gives me a very comforting feeling.  There is something about knowing you have a support group that can make the weight lift.

On the other hand, I hate being away from A.  I miss talking about our day and climbing into bed with him.  He provides security and comfort for me.  When we are apart, something is missing. 

I don't regret my decision to come and know that the week will fly by, but I will be so glad to return home at the end of the week to the comfort of home and the comfort of A. 

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