Sunday, September 18, 2011

Living Within Our Means

Now that our financial situation has drastically changed, we are trying to be strict about our budget.  This is much easier said than done.  A and I have had a budget since we first got married but we were never good at following it.  We spent what we wanted and figured it would all work out.  And it always did. 

The time has come for us to actually follow a budget.  It is paramount to our financial survival and we need to ensure we have enough money to cover all our bills.  On paper, I have been able to figure out how we can makes things work and perhaps even save a little.  The biggest hurdle now is to follow it.

It is a challenge to learn to live within your means in a society that focuses on getting you to spend in excess.  In the next year, we won't want for food, clothing, housing, heat, water, or any main necessities.  For that we have much to be grateful for.  But I know it will be challenging to give up the "extra" spending for awhile so we can work towards our future.

I can't thank A enough for allowing me to take a job that is in my best interest, but puts us in a bit of a financial strain.  I hope this year will help us grow in our marriage and learn what we truly need and to be thankful for what we have.  


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